John Hopkins: La red de comunicación COVID-19 [spanish]
La red de comunicación COVID-19 es un sitio confiable para el cambio social y de comportamiento (SBC) profesionales, y otros respondedores necesitados, para acceder y compartir materiales de comunicación de alta calidad, herramientas y recursos de socios globales para abordar la pandemia de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: ...
John Hopkins: Le Reséau de Communication COVID-19 [french]
Le réseau de communication COVID-19 est un site fiable pour le changement social et comportemental (SBC) professionnels, et autres intervenants dans le besoin, pour accéder et partager du matériel de communication de haute qualité, outils et ressources de partenaires mondiaux pour lutter contre la pandémie de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: ...
UNICEF: COVID-19 Animation Video from Malawi
UNICEF Malawi has created this children's animation video about COVID-19. View here: ...
UNICEF: COVID-19 Animation Video from Zimbabwe
UNICE Zimbabwe Comms Team and illustrator Joseph Mutasa have created this children's animation video about COVID-19. View here: ...
Ifahamu Corona : Audio Content from Tanzania
'Ifahamu Corona - Anatomy of Corona' is a podcast that shares facts about coronavirus. This series is produced by Vikes – Finnish Foundation for Media and Development, Tanzania Development Information Organization (TADIO), Felm and the Ministry of Health of Tanzania. Listen to the episodes here: Or here: ...
Tulodo: Rapid Survey on COVID-19 Behaviours in South Sulawesi, Indonesia
This is an example of a rapid survey - which may be helpful for other COVID communicators and responders. Access here: ...
Coregroup: Coronavirus Global Response Coordination – 9 Call Recordings
CORE Group is convening members and partners to discuss their institutional positions vis a vis COVID-19 (novel coronavirus 2019) in an effort to coordinate and support the global pandemic response. You can listen to the recordings of all past 9 calls addressing different issues to date here: ...
UNICEF: Repository of COVID-19 Communication Material in Hindi
You can find reliable COVID-19 communication material in hindi on the UNICEF India IEC e-warehouse. Access here: ...
COVID-19 Related Video by ER Doctor in New York
In this video Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information with family and friends on empowering and protecting families during the COVID-19 pandemic ...
CovidComms South Africa Network
CovidComms SA is a network of communications volunteers working alongside government and others to produce and distribute accurate and helpful information on the Covid-19 outbreak in South Africa. Learn more here: ...
Medical Aid Films: Multi-Language Community & Heath Worker Resources on Hand Washing
Medical Aid Films have created two films that address hand washing best practices. They are available in multiple languages and aimed at both communities and health workers: Mr Tembo Comes Clean! Hand Washing in Communities is designed to teach the importance of hand washing in communities. Available in English, Yoruba, Hausa and Bemba. Hand Washing In Hospitals covers hand-washing best practice for hospital staff and health workers. Available in English, Yoruba and Hausa. ...
MEDBOX: Rapid Response Toolbox [multiple languages]
MEDBOX: The Aid Library has developed a large scale database of COVID-19 resources. The site offers resources in many languages, including documents for downloads in English, French, German, Russian, Arabic, Italian, Greek, Spanish and Turkish and more. Access here: ...