The C4D Network is a community of over 3,000 members around the world, who are learning and sharing together about the power of communications to impact on positive change, human rights and vital knowledge. It is free to join based on criteria of engagement in ‘communication for good’.
The C4D Network supports the sharing of information about jobs and consultancy opportunities in the development, humanitarian and human rights sectors. Current positions are shown on our online database for browsing. Advertisers can place ads directly with the Network for distribution, and members can choose to receive regular email bulletin.
The C4D Network with its parent company Communications for Development Ltd delivers a wide range of consultancy services for UN, INGOs and other organisaitions around the world. Our consultancy services include research and evaluation, communication strategy and design, knowlege management, and capacity building in social and behavior change and communication for development. The services draws on the expertise of Network members.
The C4D Network specializes in capacity development in social and behavior change communication (SBCC) and communication for development (C4D). It shares information about a wide range of training providers and courses, and itself offers e-learning and instructor-led learning and customised training.
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