UNICEF Jordan: Video on COVID-19 [arabic]
Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/UNICEFJordan/videos/851528995314920/?t=22 ...
Tres afiches referidos a bioseguridad, comprasolidaria y cuidadossanitarios en la producción de alimentos
Compartimos tres afiches referidos a #Bioseguridad #Comprasolidaria y #Cuidadossanitarios en la producción de alimentos empleados tanto en video como en radio durante esta cuarentena por el COVID-19 en Bolivia. Una contribución del proyecto Mercados inclusivos de Swisscontact en Bolivia ...
COVID-19 brought Health Authorities to the TikTok platform
This medium blog article discusses the role of TikTok and its use by health authorities in the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more here: https://medium.com/@dantelicona/ministries-of-health-are-now-on-tiktok-thats-good-news-9ee96843b6fa ...
WHO: Safe Ramadan practices in the context of the COVID-19
The WHO published guidance for individuals celebrating Ramadan to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk. The guidance emphasizes the importance of hygiene, physical distancing, and cleaning/sanitizing places of worship. Additionally, the WHO notes that no studies have been conducted regarding COVID-19 risks associated with fasting; however, COVID-19 patients should discuss decisions about fasting with their doctor. Read more here: https://apps.who.int/iris/handle/10665/331767?fbclid=IwAR3MbcxdZmW9trrRozsJZuKaXWcnHL3sIqEj0GEafVmIiFfbqeDOE7zLkMk ...
COVID-19 Information Film
Africaid Zvandiri has made a COVID 19 information film aimed at a young African audience (available in Shona, French, Ndebele and English). View here: https://www.africaid-zvandiri.org/?fbclid=IwAR0DRD8Roej-QIC_vxJhCTl6aFgCClFZRrKQ8bU9rw6JOeLJ2crRqUUAhUY ...
Responding to COVID-19 in the Developing World
This article in the Behavioural Scientist discusses responding to COVID-19 in developing countries. Read here: https://behavioralscientist.org/responding-to-covid-19-in-the-developing-world/?fbclid=IwAR2XYWpaXDTGYmaMD5xQmqi9ew0DD2_6gATZgQQ7SqB6yBgGf9Afu9-3hgE ...
John Hopkins: The COVID-19 Communication Network
The COVID-19 Communication Network is a reliable site for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals, and other responders in need, to access and share high quality communication materials, tools and resources from global partners to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. Access here: https://covid19communicationnetwork.org/ ...
John Hopkins: Rede de Comunição COVID-19 [portuguese]
A Rede de Comunicação COVID-19 é um site confiável para mudanças sociais e de comportamento (SBC) profissionais, e outros respondedores em necessidade, acessar e compartilhar materiais de comunicação de alta qualidade, ferramentas e recursos de parceiros globais para lidar com a pandemia de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: https://covid19communicationnetwork.org/?lang=pt ...
John Hopkins: La red de comunicación COVID-19 [spanish]
La red de comunicación COVID-19 es un sitio confiable para el cambio social y de comportamiento (SBC) profesionales, y otros respondedores necesitados, para acceder y compartir materiales de comunicación de alta calidad, herramientas y recursos de socios globales para abordar la pandemia de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: https://covid19communicationnetwork.org/?lang=es ...
John Hopkins: Le Reséau de Communication COVID-19 [french]
Le réseau de communication COVID-19 est un site fiable pour le changement social et comportemental (SBC) professionnels, et autres intervenants dans le besoin, pour accéder et partager du matériel de communication de haute qualité, outils et ressources de partenaires mondiaux pour lutter contre la pandémie de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: https://covid19communicationnetwork.org/?lang=fr ...
IFRC: Key Coronavirus Messages [multiple languages]
The IFRC has produced key messages on reducing the risk of coronavirus infection. These include messages on reducing the risk of infection, as well as specific messages on “when to wear a mask”, “how to stay healthy while travelling” and “how to practice food safety”. This collection is available in different languages. Access here: https://shared.ifrc.org/#/downloadcollection/%7Beccffbc5-5844-42e8-96ba-82eeec67f8cd%7D ...
Jointly Developed: Guidance on Stigmas Associated with COVID-19
The WHO, UNICEF, and IFRC have created this english and french document about stigmas associated with COVID-19. Access here: https://www.thecompassforsbc.org/sbcc-tools/social-stigma-associated-covid-19-stigmatisation-sociale-associée-au-covid-19 ...