New Publication: How to Use Behaviour Change Communications for COVID-19 Digital Response
As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, the world is faced with travel bans, project funding restrictions, and the increasing need to operate remotely. A multi-faceted COVID-19 Digital Response, including behaviour change communication on personal and respiratory hygiene, proper handwashing, social distancing, and so is therefore essential. Trying to get these vital messages out to the remotest and most marginalised communities is a significant challenge from a human-centered design, implementation, and impact monitoring perspective: how can we know what technology people are using and who they trust? How can we work with local groups remotely in an effective way? How can we be assured that behaviour change is in action? This publication highlights way in which SBCC can be utilised in COVID-19 Digital response ...
Behavioural Science Tips For COVID-19 Communications
"Human behavior plays a central role in reducing the spread of coronavirus. Communication by government entities and other trusted sources about desirable or mandated behaviors during the pandemic is critical. As policymakers, funders, and program staff, it is our responsibility to ensure that communications are clear, concise, and accurate. We can go one step further withmessaging that is behaviorally informed, contextually relevant, and communicated through novel delivery channels. Effective communication will ensure that everyone hears, understands, and follows guidance necessary for COVID-19 mitigation." Click here to download the tips on behavioural change communication ...
Sustaining Public Health Systems through Effective Communication: Learnings from the Pandemic
Coronavirus-19 is now reality in virtually all countries in the world. The manner of communication — notably by government leaders — can be diverse and spotty at times — causing disparate levels of effectiveness. Timely, credible and regular communication is critical to keeping citizens safe and to managing the Covid pandemic. Please join in as health and communication experts from one of the most populous countries in the world and the most resource-rich country share their insights. The Panel: Aman Gupta, Prof Vivekanand Jha: Anjali Nayyar and Denise Gray-Felder In association with The George Institute for Global Health and Health Issues India May 21, 2020 06:30 PM (India time) Register here: ...
Disrupting COVID-19 Stigma
This short guide includes important considerations and resources to support country programs in recognizing and working to reduce stigma around COVID-19. Read here: ...
Synthesized Guidance for COVID-19 Message Development
As information about COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, it can be challenging to navigate and synthesize all of the information. The purpose of this document is to provide a synthesized, indexed reference of accurate, standardized COVID-19 information from trustworthy sources. Information is presented in simple, clear language to support the development of messages and materials needed for social and behavior change interventions. The document is available in both english and french Read more: ...
Slowing down the covid-19 outbreak: changing behaviour by understanding it
Changing behaviour is not easy. However, there are many strategies to help people change behaviour that focus on increasing motivation, capability and/or opportunity to perform the behaviours. Here we focus on strategies that improve motivation or capability. Read more: ...
Comment améliorer la communication sociale sur le Covid-19 au Sénégal ?
Read here: ...
Behavioral Public Policy Faces a Crisis
"...our field wasn’t ready for a pandemic. We had no behavioral playbook on nudges, defaults, and other strategies for improving social distancing, mask use, remote learning, home-based work, and social transfers." Read more here: ...
Why the U.S. needs a pandemic communications unit
When policymakers consider how to respond to a public health crisis, they tend to think in terms of quarantines, medical equipment supplies, and travel restrictions. Yet they too often miss a vital factor that countries like South Korea and Singapore recognized long ago—that public communications are just as crucial. Effective communication increases compliance with public health directives and saves lives. Read more here: ...
UNICEF: Participación comunitaria frente al Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Orientaciones para promover una comunicación basada en la participación comunitaria frente al Coronavirus (COVID-19) desde Unicef Guatemala. Ver aqui: ...
John Hopkins: The COVID-19 Communication Network
The COVID-19 Communication Network is a reliable site for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals, and other responders in need, to access and share high quality communication materials, tools and resources from global partners to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. Access here: ...
John Hopkins: Rede de Comunição COVID-19 [portuguese]
A Rede de Comunicação COVID-19 é um site confiável para mudanças sociais e de comportamento (SBC) profissionais, e outros respondedores em necessidade, acessar e compartilhar materiais de comunicação de alta qualidade, ferramentas e recursos de parceiros globais para lidar com a pandemia de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: ...