John Hopkins: The COVID-19 Communication Network
The COVID-19 Communication Network is a reliable site for social and behavior change (SBC) professionals, and other responders in need, to access and share high quality communication materials, tools and resources from global partners to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. Access here: ...
John Hopkins: Rede de Comunição COVID-19 [portuguese]
A Rede de Comunicação COVID-19 é um site confiável para mudanças sociais e de comportamento (SBC) profissionais, e outros respondedores em necessidade, acessar e compartilhar materiais de comunicação de alta qualidade, ferramentas e recursos de parceiros globais para lidar com a pandemia de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: ...
John Hopkins: La red de comunicación COVID-19 [spanish]
La red de comunicación COVID-19 es un sitio confiable para el cambio social y de comportamiento (SBC) profesionales, y otros respondedores necesitados, para acceder y compartir materiales de comunicación de alta calidad, herramientas y recursos de socios globales para abordar la pandemia de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: ...
John Hopkins: Le Reséau de Communication COVID-19 [french]
Le réseau de communication COVID-19 est un site fiable pour le changement social et comportemental (SBC) professionnels, et autres intervenants dans le besoin, pour accéder et partager du matériel de communication de haute qualité, outils et ressources de partenaires mondiaux pour lutter contre la pandémie de COVID-19 / Coronavirus. Access here: ...
Communication for Development (C4D) Promising practices (UNICEF East Asia & Pacific, 2018)
Communication for Development (C4D) promising practices are dialogue-driven interventions that lead to the sustainable improvement of living conditions for children and their families, particularly the most vulnerable. This booklet brings together four outstanding examples from Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Viet Nam, where UNICEF-supported interventions by governments and civil society organizations are bringing about positive change. Click here for full booklet ...
Bridging Theory and Practice in Entertainment Education: An Assessment of the Conceptualization and Design of Tsha Tsha in South Africa (SAGE Open Journal, 2018)
Abstract: The entertainment–education (E-E) strategy in development communication has been widely described as the panacea to development challenges in Africa. However, despite its growing application on the continent, E-E is still argued to be inhibited from contributing meaningfully toward development efforts. E-E interventions are argued to be hamstrung by their failure to embrace theoretical advances in development communication and E-E scholarship and for remaining rooted in the modernization paradigm. Using the social change paradigm as its framework, this article assesses the notions of development, change, communication, audiences, and education that underpin the conceptualization and design of Tsha Tsha, an E-E television drama that uses a novel cultural approach to address issues surrounding HIV and AIDS in South Africa. The data informing the study were gathered through a Focused Synthesis Approach and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The study’s findings show that significant efforts have been made by Tsha Tsha’s producers to bridge E-E practice and contemporary development communication and E-E scholarship. The data analyzed in the study show that Tsha Tsha’s notions of development, change, education, communication, and audience have been significantly remoored in line with the core tenets of the E-E for Social Change paradigm. The implications of the study are that ...
Social and Behavior Change (SBCC) in Post-Ebola Guinea (HC3 Case Study Series 2017)
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) has published a series of case studies examining activities and tools used in the social and behavior change communication (SBCC) strategy to improve healthy behaviors and increase demand for and use of quality reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) services in Guinea as the country continues to recover from Ebola. Each case study highlights how HC3 is working with Guinea’s hardest hit communities to rebuild both trust in the health system and the quality of care delivered. Click here for case studies ...
The use of new ICTs to support HIV and sexual health, targeting youth and adolescents – case studies and report (C4D Network 2015)
This report, commissioned by UNICEF, aims to highlight the use, potential and impact of ICTs in sexual and reproductive health and HIV interventions targeting adolescents and young people. It highlights the lessons learnt from 11 case studies from across Africa, and illustrates the role of innovation in the use of ICT for HIV prevention. The report serves as a useful learning guide for future design and implementation of future programming on HIV and sexual health among adolescents. Click here for the full report: C4D Network - REPORT & CASE STUDIES on ICT for HIV Prevention 28.11.15 ...
Lessons Learned: Social Media Monitoring during Humanitarian Crises [Nepal earthquake] (ACAPS 2015)
Carried out in English and Nepali, and operating from 1 June to 27 August, social media monitoring was part of ACAPS support to the Nepal Earthquake Assessment Unit. Insights gained through social media (mainly Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and blogs) and national media monitoring were intended to feed into the “Communication with Communities” (CwC) project. Issues of main interest were: needs, concerns, developing trends and emerging risks among the effected population; and conversations related to the quality and accessibility of aid. This document summarises the experiences of the pilot social media monitoring project set up to following the 25 April earthquake in Nepal, and draws out key lessons learned and recommendations. It was informed by a lessons learned workshop in Nepal as well as interviews and email exchanges with members of the project and external recipients of project’s reports. Written by Timo Lüge, the lead consultant responsible for the project, this is not an independent evaluation of the project ...
Participatory Theatre Gains Momentum (UNICEF workshop report 2015)
Participatory Theatre Gains Momentum, New Vision and Renewed Focus Workshop Charts a Path for Strengthening Participatory Theatre as a cross-cutting Communication for Development Platform LUSAKA, Zambia, 16 July 2015 (UNICEF) – More than 70 participants from 18 countries -- across six continents -- gathered here last week to share, learn, and sharpen strategies on how participatory theatre can engage communities to claim their rights and address specific development and humanitarian challenges. The seven-day workshop closed over the weekend in a ceremony with representation from Zambia’s Deputy Minister of Tourism and Arts, Hon. Esther Banda, MP, Chairman of the National Arts Council, Mulenga Kwepepe and senior UNICEF officials. Throughout the week, workshop participants deliberated on principles and standards for raising the quality of practice. These were captured in a Lusaka Declaration outlining detailed commitments of theatre practitioners for using participatory theatre as an approach for community engagement, behaviour change and social transformation. “Participatory Theatre can be a potent medium to address power imbalances in communities which prevent them from fulfilling their basic rights. It can be applied in conflict-affected settings to address underlying causes of tensions and build social cohesion; in post emergency situations to help reduce trauma and in development ...