8th Annual World Radio Day: Dialogue, Tolerance, and Peace
UNESCO World Radio Day with SOAS Radio and the Communication for Development Network
6th February 2019, 15:00-19:00 at SOAS, University of London (10 Thornhaugh St, WC1H 0XG)
Join the C4D Network at the 8th annual World Radio Day London event with SOAS Radio – with a focus on the role of radio broadcasting in initiatives for dialogue, tolerance and peace in local and global contexts. Radio continues to be a strong medium for mobilising communities around political, social and economic issues, from gender-based violence to presidential elections, popular referendums and beyond.
This year we will ask how radio broadcasting can continue to open up dialogue and bridge the divides among an increasingly polarised community of listeners – and, in so doing, help to spread messages of tolerance, racial and gender equality, and reconciliation.
World Radio Day London will feature live interviews from different actors within broadcasting and multimedia around this year’s theme, as well as workshops, and a keynote address on radio broadcasting in times of political violence.
Speakers for the afternoon workshops:
Dr. Ivor Gaber
Professor of Political Journalism, University of Sussex
Emeritus Professor of Broadcast Journalism, Goldsmiths
Visiting Professor of Media and Politics, University of Bedfordshire
Dr. Emma Heywood
Lecturer in Journalism, Politics and Communication
Project Leader: FemmepowermentAfrique
The event is free and open to the public.
Full details of times, workshops and speakers to follow.