The Baseline Study on the Working Conditions of Somali Women Journalists was conducted during September and October 2016, with
the aim of improving understanding of the conditions for female journalists in Somalia via substantive, actionable datasets. The study was initiated by the Somali Women Journalists (SWJ) Association in collaboration with IMS-Fojo, in recognition of the absence of a single, centralised body of data on the status of women in the journalism profession.
The collapse of the central government following the country’s prolonged civil war had devastating consequences for national infrastructure, media included. As Somalia begins to emerge from the ravages of civil war, the need for a comprehensive and gender inclusive media development strategy has been identified as an important component of the nation building process.
Accordingly, this study was designed to identify existing gender disparities affecting the working conditions for journalists. The study seeks to provide key stakeholders with a clear perspective on the status quo, and inform responses to gender imbalances in Somali journalism.
Click here for full study.