Learning from the past: impact of information and knowledge management on individuals and organizations over decades
Jorge Chavez-Tarfur; Sarah Cummings; Ibrahim Khadar, Rocio Sanz (1-7)Papers
Knowledge retention framework and maturity model: improving an organization or team’s capability to retain critical knowledge
Rocio Sanz and John Hovell (8-27)
Epistemic injustice in agricultural development: critical reflections on a livestock development project in rural Mozambique
Birgit Boogaard (28-54)
Case studies
Documenting UNICEF’s response to COVID-19: applied tools and practices
Nima Fallah, Ivan Butina and Sailas Nyareza (55-66)
Knowledge and data management during project execution and organisational closure: learning from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development (CTA)
Mejury Shiri, Imelda Mechtilde Aniambossou, Aichetou Ba, Josina M. Leguit (67-77)
Makono Coulibaly (99-104)
Communicate and collaborate to prepare for the unexpected: the International Institute for Communication and Development in the Netherlands
Caroline Figueres (105-112)Investments in learning during the Ebola outbreak shape COVID-19 responses in West Africa: evidence from Sierra Leone and Nigeria
Alfred Makavore and Emily Janoch (113-119)
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