Introduction: the mediation of development Robin Mansell and Linje Manyozo.
This Development in Practice special issue responds to the need for a radical rethinking of the theory, practice, and pedagogy of communication
for development. This field may be designated as communication for development, communication for social change, development communication, or information and communication technology for development (Quebral 1988; Gumucio-Dagron and Tufte 2006; Lennie and Tacchi 2013; Tufte 2017).
This special issue aims to contribute to the process of rescuing these approaches and their discourses from Westernisation, theoretical elitism, and the
“developmentalism” that prevails in dominant organisations, institutions, and analytical perspectives.
This aim is in line with the ambition of celebrating the “ethnography of development” (Escobar 1995/2012; Mosse 2005; Makuwira 2014) and offering pathways for celebrating subaltern and periphery theoretical frameworks and experiences (Fanon 1965 ;Said 1978; Spivak 1988).
The introductory article is open access. All other articles are abstract only.
Click here for this special issue.