The purpose of the global evaluation of UNICEF’s capacity and action in C4D is to generate credible and useful evidence on the requirements for successful implementation of C4D in order to strengthen UNICEF’s future action and results in this area. The Ethiopia report is one of five case studies. Each country case study has four main objectives: 1. To assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the CO’s efforts to (a) develop the individual knowledge and competences of staff in C4D and (b) enhancing the CO’s overall capacity. 2. To assess the extent to which, and how appropriately, C4D has been integrated into the CO structures and programmes; 3. To assess how relevant C4D related planning and implementation has been (including through use of proposed benchmarks) to the contextual needs of the country programme; and identify factors driving or constraining the relevance of C4D-related planning and programming. 4. To review C4D related performance monitoring and, knowledge management and assess the evaluability of results (outcomes and impact) achieved through programmes using C4D interventions.
Click here to read the Ethiopia case study.