“UNESCO and radio stations mobilized to fight against COVID-19
To contribute to countering disinformation on COVID-19 and promoting healthy behaviours, UNESCO has produced a series of audio messages that can be freely used by radio stations from around the world. UNESCO is making these resources available to help stop the harm caused by the so called “info-demic” accompanying the virus. The short audio messages (available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic) give useful information on preventive measures, debunk myths about the virus, and highlight the importance of non-discrimination and solidarity.
Radio spots to inform
Prevention and protection against COVID-19 and countering disinformation are everyone’s concern – and everyone can contribute to sharing reliable information.
The audio messages can be freely downloaded and broadcast by public, private and community radio stations in various parts of the world.
Please broadcast and share these audio recordings.
If you have questions, please contact : [email protected](link sends e-mail)
#shareinformation #stayathome”