Adolescents with disabilities: enhancing resilience and delivering inclusive development (GAGE Consortium Report, 2018)
This new report takes stock of what is known about adolescents with disabilities living in the global South. Drawing on interviews with approximately 600 adolescent girls and boys with physical, visual, hearing or intellectual impairments, as well as interviews with their parents, teachers and other service providers, it also presents emerging findings from the Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence (GAGE) research programme in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Jordan and the State of Palestine. This report focuses, for the first time, on the intersection of age and disability – specifically the unique needs of adolescents with disabilities – and the gender dynamics that shape girls’ and boys’ lives. Alongside this, it also looks at the particular experiences of adolescents with disabilities who grow up in rural areas and conflict-affected contexts.
Click here for more details and full report.
From passion to activism? The politics, communications, and creativity of participatory networks in the MENA region (LSE Paper 2017)
This paper argues that while platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are unquestionably allowing some young citizens in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region quicker, easier and greater access to job opportunities and likeminded groups and citizens inside and outside the region, class-based digital divides exist, scepticism of new media remains, online surveillance and harassment are rife, and social media fatigue is common. Existing community structures, creativity and emerging media remain important for youth participatory civic networks in Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Communities, local neighbourhoods, private and public spaces, and commercial media cultures vie for position in young people’s social worlds and civic identities.
C4D Network Meet-Ups: Beirut (2 August) and Amman (7 August)
The C4D Network would like to invite members and interested friends to our upcoming Meet-Ups in Beirut and Amman! Links for both can be found below:
2 August, Beirut:
7 August, Amman:
These are open events for all who are interested in meeting fellow communication for development enthusiasts, both members of the Network and friends. So please feel free to extend these invitations to interested colleagues.