On 25 April – World Malaria Day 2019, the World Health Organisation will join the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, the African Union Commission and other partner organizations in promoting “Zero malaria starts with me,,” a grassroots campaign that aims to keep malaria high on the political agenda, mobilize additional resources, and empower communities to take ownership of malaria prevention and care.
To mark the day and the support the grassroots campaign we have pulled together a curated list of malaria and communication for development resources and articles from across our website which we hope will prove useful to those of you working in this area.
If you have resources you would like to share please just let us know via [email protected]
- World Malaria Day 2019: “Zero malaria starts with me”
- Malaria SBCC EvidenceDatabase(Health Communication Capacity)
- Zéro Palu ! Je m’engage” l’outil(RBM Partnership to End Malaria, 2018)
- Zero Malaria Starts with Me Toolkit (RBM Partnership to End Malaria, 2018)
- The Strategic Framework for Malaria Social and Behaviour Change Communication 2018-2030 (RBM Partnership to End Malaria, 2018)
- Malaria SBCC Evidence Database (Health Communication Capacity)
- Social and behavior change considerations for areas transitioning from high and moderate to low, very low and zero malaria transmission (Health Communication Capacity Collaborative, 2017)
- Incorporating Net Care into Malaria Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategies: A Step-by-step Guide (Vector Works Project 2016)
- Intégrer l’entretien des moustiquaires aux stratégies de CCSC relative au paludisme : guide détaillé (Vector Works Project 2016)
- Malaria Social & Behavior Change Communication National Strategies (collected and mapped by HC3, 2016)
- WHO malaria terminology (WHO 2016)