Gendered voices for climate action, a theory of change for the meaningful inclusion of local experiences in decision-making (IIED Working Paper, 2018)
Bringing the perspectives of local women and men who have experienced climate impacts into relevant policy arenas is seen as key to just decision-making and meeting the Paris Agreement commitment to a country-driven gender-responsive approach. But there is a lack of robust evidence on how these experiences can increase the ambition, urgency and quality of climate responses at different levels. This paper reviews existing evidence and proposes a theory of change for how the systematic inclusion of women and men with lived experiences of climate change could strengthen climate action.
Click here for full paper.
Solutions brief: entertainment-education to address child marriage (Girls Not Brides, 2017)
Mass media has long been recognised as a way to prompt large-scale behaviour change. But can it change the norms and beliefs which perpetuate child marriage?
This brief takes a look at what entertainment-education is and its potential for addressing a complex social issue such as child marriage. It also contains a list of useful resources on the issue.
Click here for full brief.
Social Norms and Girls’ Well-Being: Linking Theory and Practice Report (Data2X, 2017)
This report initially reviews the landscape of theory around social norms (“Theory”). It then investigates two projects that have facilitated change around norms and practices of female genital cutting (FGC) and child marriage: Tostan’s Community Empowerment Program (CEP) in West Africa and Population Council’s Abriendo Oportunidades (“Opening Opportunities”; AO) project in Latin America (“Practice”).
The report concludes by discussing the implications of both theory and practice for the future of social norms change (“The Way Forward”).
Click here for full report.
Malaria Social & Behavior Change Communication National Strategies (collected and mapped by HC3 2016)
HC3 has analyzed, collected and mapped a number of national malaria communication strategies. A number of countries are updating their malaria communication strategies as they prepare concept notes for the Global Fund. The strategies include those written both and after 2010 as well as current strategies.
Click here to access this resource.